
National Geographic – Croatia From Above (EN)

Croatia from Above
National Geographic
author: Davor Rostuhar

The photo-monograph ‘National Geographic—Croatia from Above’ is Croatia’s first photo-monograph sponsored by National Geographic, the most prestigious global brand in photography.

Created during a seven-year exploration of Croatia from an aerial perspective, these photographs portray familiar natural and cultural attractions in a hitherto unseen way, and unveil new sites of value that had been lying hidden until now. The photographs have been beautifully arranged in a carefully planned layout in order to best showcase and celebrate Croatia’s great wealth and diversity. Each photograph is accompanied by a text describing the geographic, historic, economic, ecological, and cultural aspects of Croatia captured in that image. Collectively, they paint a unique portrait of Croatia, depicting its position in the broader context of space and time. The book is further enriched with texts written by Davor Rostuhar, author, photographer, and project leader, as well as with texts written by Hrvoje Prćić, Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Croatia; and Dr. Ivo Josipović, former President of the Republic of Croatia.

41,90  (315,70 kn)



“I deam that one day we will fly,
rise to the heavenly heights, enjoy the view, and then fly even higher and higher.
With featherlike ease we will cruise the endless expanses of silence.
We will be the warmth of the sun.
We will be the beauty of the land.
We will be the peace of the cosmos.
A moment of eternity.”

Check out other books by Davor Rostuhar.



English edition
400 pages
200 photographs format 48×32 cm
Hard binding
Dimensions: 32×24 cm

Dodatne informacije

Težina 2,96 kg
Dimenzije 32x24cm

„National Geographic - Hrvatska iz zraka“ jedan je od najvećih, ako ne i najveći fotografski projekt u Hrvatskoj. Trajao je više od sedam godina i dokumentirao hrvatske ljepote, krajobraze i vizure na dosad neviđen način.

Hrvoje Prčić, Glavni urednik National Geographic Hrvatska

Univerzalnim jezikom fotografije ispričana je priča o ljepoti i raznolikosti prirode i arhitekture koja viđena iz zraka dobiva neku novu dimenziju nedostižnu svakodnevnom pogledu.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Predsjednica Republike Hrvatske

Prekrasna fotomonografija kroz koju ćete Hrvatsku sagledati iz potpuno nove perspektive. Knjiga koju treba posjedovati i poklanjati.

Tazitazitazi, Goodreads

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